February 3, 2011

Snow Day Part III

Well, in case you didn't know this has been my work schedule this week:
Monday:  8-1:30
Tuesday: Snow Day
Wednesday: Snow Day
Thursday: Snow Day

You can't make this stuff up.  I already covered part of the Storm of the Century and that got us out Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  Oh, and part of the reason we were out today.  You see, I'm under the impression that the area of Illinois that I live in is... inefficient plowing.  I think that's putting it politely since there was no reason not to go today, but many of the country roads still weren't plowed.  I'm not complaining; I just think that parts of Wisconsin would have had it plowed by today.. I also think that what was plowed would be the entire roads.. not just random lanes.  For instance, one of the bigger intersections in town that normally has 2 left turn lanes, 2 straight lanes and a right turn lane had:  2 left turn lanes and 1 straight/right turn lane.  You can't make this stuff up.  I'm hoping that they were doing this to save money? 

The last few days were boring.. yesterday, we couldn't leave our house because our street didn't get plowed (shocking).  The only time we were outside was to shovel until our backs hurt, awesome.  Then, last night we played Cribbage and King's Corner (some game Kayla invented and made rules up for as we went).  After her made up game, I quit playing and slammed my cards down because I lost.  Twice.  In a row.  I had enough of that! 

Today, however, we were able to get out of the house and we went to Cardinal Fitness.  I'm still strongly considering (haven't officially signed up yet) running the Illinois Marathon at the end of April.  I've been inconsistent with training because I'm lazy, it's cold and we're at the tail end of our basketball season, but today I decided I was going to just run for awhile.  Kayla had 2 miles and weights, so I said I'd just run that time.  Well, 2 miles and weights turned into 2 miles, weights and talking to a friend for a good 25 minutes.  It's a good thing for me that after the first 5 steps I gotta feeling, "This is going to be a good run!" and I kept hammering away.  Before you know it, I eclipsed 8 miles in 56:15.  My knee didn't twinge, my IT bands didn't get super sore, I had a nice stride, I didn't get too hot.  I just had a great run and that really picked my confidence back up.  Of course, tomorrow and Saturday I may have basketball games.. so that means I probably have to get up EARLY both days to run.  Will the streak continue?  Don't hold your breath!

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