May 18, 2011

Team Preview: 7th Place The Commish

That's right, I'm being hard on myself, kind of like I am on one of my favorite movies.. Rocky V. You know the story, Rocky just beat Ivan Drago and had some brain trauma, and lots of bad things going on in his life. His whimp kid was getting beat up in school and he found Tommy Gunn to train. This brought Rocky back to life as he told Tommy about "Frankie Fear" and abandoned his real son to live the dream and turn Rocky to a champ as Tommy got a big head and a poor man's Don King. Well, when push came to shove Rocky had enough and threatened Tommy with this mega line, "You knock him down.. why don't you try knockin me down now... my ring's outside." BOOM. THAT JUST HAPPENED.

How does that relate to my team? Well, I thought I was on good times with my roster last season only to lose most of them and a chance at the title. Now, I'm stuck in post celebration stage of my mega 7 win season. I'm in the dumps like Rocky; I've got Denard Robinson but he's out of the spread. I've got Montrel Harris but he can't run very fast. I've got Cierre Wood but who knows how much they'll run. I've got TJ Moe with a new QB. I've got a lot of problems, but like Rocky.. the one thing I have is tenacity. That tenacity will earn me a few upsets because also like Rocky I'm not polished around the edges, my ring's outside. I'm a brawler.

Best Player: Denard Robinson
Break-Out Player: Cierre Wood
Most Overrated: TJ Moe

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